Lost in Yonkers

Written by: Neil Simon
Directed by: Christian O'Brien
West Warwick,RI
September 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 @ 8 pm and September 16, 23 and 30th @ 2 pm, 2018
8:00 PM
By America’s great comic playwright, this memory play is set in Yonkers in 1942. Bella is thirty-five years old, mentally challenged, and living at home with her mother, stern Grandma Kurnitz. As the play opens, ne’er-do-well son Eddie deposits his two young sons on the old lady’s doorstep. He is financially strapped and taking to the road as a salesman. The boys are left to contend with Grandma, with Bella and her secret romance, and with Louie, her brother, a small-time hoodlum in a strange new world called Yonkers.
“Broadway desperately needs a comedy, a drama, and a hit. With Lost in Yonkers, Mr. Simon has given us all three.” – Wall Street Journal
“One of Simon’s most impressive and funniest plays.” – New York Daily News
“Laughter and tears have come together in a new emotional truth. There are moments in this play when you experience a new kind of laughter for Simon, a silent laughter that doesn’t explode into a yuk but implodes straight into your heart.” -Newsweek